Rescue Our WaterFront

Revitalize not SUPERSIZE.

Vote Today, Before It’s Too Late!

Vote Today, Before It’s Too Late!

Stop the Santa Monica-fication of Redondo Beach Re-elect Mayor Bill Brand, Re-elect Nils Nehrenheim and Todd Loewenstein, Elect Zein Obagi for District4 City Council, and Harden Sooper for City Attorney You must like Redondo Beach: you choose to live here.  Outside developers like our city too, but they want to change our zoning to build […]

Another Reason to Support Nils Nehrenheim and Todd Loewenstein for City Council

Another Reason to Support Nils Nehrenheim and Todd Loewenstein for City Council

Here is Another Reason to Support Nils Nehrenheim and Todd Loewenstein for Redondo Beach City Council In this interview Here we hear from BeachLife Festival Co-Founder Allen Sanford about his idea for the festival.  We also learn how true leadership works with the efforts of Redondo Beach District 1 Council Member Nils Nehrenheim and District […]

District 1 Update – Waller’s Wall On The Avenues

District 1 Update – Waller’s Wall On The Avenues

  District 1 Voters A Wall Between The Avenues Brad Waller, a member of Redondo’s General Plan Advisory Committee, recently voted there for high-density multi-story housing to be built all along PCH in South Redondo. That means new construction can be built 45 feet tall; and with builder incentives, increased to nearly 60 feet!  This […]



Rescue Our Waterfront Candidate Endorsements and Voter Guide  Our executive board has made recommendations for the following offices: Re-elect Mayor Bill Brand Re-elect Council Member Nils Nehrenheim – District 1 Re-elect Council Member Todd Loewenstein – District 2 Zein Obagi, Jr. for District 4 City Council Harden Sooper for City Attorney Rolf Curtis Strutzenberg for […]

CenterCal Attorney Bradley Hertz Is SLAPP Happy

CenterCal Attorney Bradley Hertz Is SLAPP Happy

In the attached story, just published in the San Diego Reader ,  leaders of a Oceanside citizens group have been personally sued by CenterCal’s law firm. This lawsuit, filed by Bradley Hertz of the Sutton Law Firm, is another example of what legal experts are calling “ethically challenged”, a loosely veiled SLAPP lawsuit, and grounds […]

Shut The Power Plant On Schedule. Fight AES Extension

Shut The Power Plant On Schedule. Fight AES Extension

Meet the heroes of Redondo Beach who spoke at the California State Water Resources Control Board (the “Water Board”) workshop on 4/21/2020 to demand the as-scheduled closure of the toxic AES Redondo power plant (“AES Redondo“) by the end of 2020. In short, the closure of all coastal power plants using once-through ocean water cooling […]

Welcome 2020 – ROW Needs Your Support

Welcome 2020 – ROW Needs Your Support

As the New Year begins, ROW continues to protect Redondo Beach Residents, because a majority of our elected officials will not. Specifically, the same three North Redondo City Council members scramble to retain power of the “Old Guard” regime at all costs, blocking everything Mayor Brand was elected to accomplish to benefit all Redondo Residents. The Combination […]

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Sued Again! Redondo Beach residents know CenterCal doesn’t pay their bills, their contractual obligations, their lawsuit judgments and has cost us millions. But do other cities? Buyer beware! In another stunning display of flagrant “If It Doesn’t Go Our Way, We’ll Refuse To Pay”. CenterCal has apparently turned on yet another of their “Paid […]