Vote YES On Measure FP

Our First Responders Deserve Better Than This!  


Message From ROW President Wayne Craig

Vote Yes – Redondo Beach City Public Safety Bond Measure FP


For over 7 years, I have fought hard for Redondo Beach Fire Department First Responders.


In that time, I have spoken at numerous City Council meetings, wrote letters to the editor, and even door knocked council districts, all to convince the obstructionist group of now termed out and incompetent City Council members to act.  Rather than doing their job, they instead covered for their friend – the former Fire Chief.


When the council majority shifted to one that was resident centric in 2021 the former Fire Chief and former City Manager suddenly retired. With their departure, the weight of the prior “City-staff obstructionists” was lifted, paving the way for the city to complete long overdue, in-depth studies of Fire Department operations and facilities. Those studies confirmed the problems were far worse than we imagined. With this information providing a blueprint for improvement, everyone thought we were finally on the way to making much needed changes.


Unfortunately, earlier this year, some implied that demanding improvements was a diabolical effort to shut down the Fire Department. That absurd claim was the final straw for me and many others who expect our first responders to have the tools they need to protect us instead of dealing with politics.


It’s time to put your money where your mouth is! If you truly want to save our Fire Department, we must replace the two outdated 60+ year old firehouses and give our first responders the tools they desperately need to do the job.


A bond is the best way to replace the unserviceable and non-earthquake rated Fire Stations. The bond also addresses other Public Safety needs of the Police Department and Central Operations so it’s a win-win for Redondo Residents!


Please Vote Yes on Measure FP!

Give ALL our First Responders the tools they need to protect us!


Wayne Craig


Rescue Our Waterfront 


For more information click the link to see what is included in the Public Bond Measure FP.  (Yes On FP)  (More Details)


Support ROW 

We are getting closer to our goal but ROW still needs your help to defend Redondo Beach residents from unscrupulous developers and crony corruption, and to help build the future you voted for at the ballot box, so please donate Here