In the attached story, just published in the San Diego Reader , leaders of a Oceanside citizens group have been personally sued by CenterCal’s law firm. This lawsuit, filed by Bradley Hertz of the Sutton Law Firm, is another example of what legal experts are calling “ethically challenged”, a loosely veiled SLAPP lawsuit, and grounds for a future California State BAR Association complaint.
The story should sound familiar to us in Redondo Beach, as the developer in this case, Integral/North River Farms, threw money around town to curry favor in the community and get City Council support. Apparently a majority of residents were appalled and collected more than 12,000 signatures to fight the beastly housing project. Developer Integral/North River Farms then hired Bradley Hertz, who apparently enlisted local shills, again, to be the named plaintiffs. The difference is, this time Bradley Hertz filed the lawsuit before the citizen-led ballot measure even went to the voters. Integral and Hertz also made it obvious this was a SLAPP lawsuit as they apparently offered to drop the suit if the bill sponsors being sued withdrew the measure from the November election.
Of course this tactic of suing people to stop them from participating in local government isn’t new. It’s part of a widespread effort of developers hiring firms like Sutton who, according to legal experts, demonstrate a gross lack of concern over the ethics of filing frivolous lawsuits. With so much big money behind them, who cares, right?
We won our case fronted by plaintiff shills, but we have yet to collect one dime of our $889,000 legal-expense judgment, as it is being appealed. As time goes on, with interest and additional legal expenses, that judgment may soon be closer to $1.5 Million. We are not sure how the “Shill” plaintiffs, Arnette Travis and Chris Voisey are going to pay this; but as we know, they like to come out from under a rock from time to time to spread more false stories, like the one they told for nearly 2 years when they said they were paying for the lawsuit. But once on the witness stand neither could “recall” any details like a payment agreement or contract with their attorneys, or having paid anything … after a year and a half of meetings, depositions, declarations and court hearings.
Thankfully the residents of Oceanside that are being sued were able to reach out to us, and we have been sharing our experiences. Hopefully they will win and rack up another loss for Bradley Hertz of the Sutton Law Firm.
As our fight continues we need your help more than ever, as currently we are personally paying for the Redondo Beach lawsuit. Help us continue to help you as well, letting it be known that the residents of Redondo Beach will not allow scurrilous corruption to buy their way into our town, by any means!
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