Rescue Our WaterFront

Revitalize not SUPERSIZE.

Mayor Bill Brand Passes Away At 65

Mayor Bill Brand Passes Away At 65

Mayor Bill Brand, Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim, ROW President Wayne Craig    Yesterday our city lost a great leader, friend, and tireless advocate for Redondo Beach residents these past 23 years.   Every time Bill called you it was about the city and what can be done to make things better for everyone. Even while enduring […]



Breaking News!   The lawsuit against the city by Redondo Beach Waterfront LLC (CenterCal Properties) is over!   The short version is the city will be paying $2 Million Dollars to Redondo Beach Waterfront LLC (CenterCal Properties) in exchange for them dropping the lawsuit.   While this is good news it is only the latest […]

The long and sordid matter of the “Sham” personal lawsuit by CenterCal “Shills” reaches a happy conclusion

The long and sordid matter of the “Sham” personal lawsuit by CenterCal “Shills” reaches a happy conclusion

These are comments delivered at the Redondo Beach City Council meeting Tuesday, November 20, 2018 by Rob Gaddis, with 3 paragraphs of additional commentary added at the end:   Let me join my fellow Redondo Beach residents in congratulating Mayor Bill Brand, his volunteer Treasurer Linda Moffat, Councilman Nils Nehrenheim, Rescue Our Waterfront’s Wayne Craig, […]

Redondo SLAPPed

Redondo SLAPPed

Redondo Beach is under assault.  Your neighbors are being personally sued by a mall developer, and they need your help!  Redondo Beach residents are being individually sued by mall developers attempting to suppress opposition to their huge mall project on public land that belongs to you.  It’s up to you to stand up against these […]

Building Bigger is Progress?

Building Bigger is Progress?

One consistent thread readers will observe through CenterCal supporters’ comments is that they believe building bigger (shopping malls, high-density residential etc.) is somehow “Progress”. To them, taking Redondo Beach to the density and traffic congestion of Santa Monica is just fine, and those who oppose that are “Backwards”, “NIMBYs”, “Hippies” etc. One on the ROW […]

Map of the Redondo Beach Waterfront in King Harbor.

Map of the Redondo Beach Waterfront in King Harbor.

Keep King Harbor a Harbor! Here is the project in it’s full glory. Almost $400 million, doubling the traffic, massive movie theater. The incredibly shrinking seaside lagoon, ONE THIRD of which is being paved over with a private road, parking and four buildings being built on actual parkland. Help us preserve our Harbor, keep King […]