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ROW Is Going To Court

ROW Is Going To Court

Travis & Voisey want truth?  Uh, no … they want $550,000!!! Yesterday in a downtown LA courtroom, Arnette Travis stated she and Chris Voisey would drop the frivolous lawsuit they filed against Mayor Bill Brand, his volunteer Treasurer Linda Moffat, Council Member Nils Nehrenheim and ROW President Wayne Craig, if they paid them $550,000. We told them what they could do with that notion. CenterCal’s apparent proxies Travis and Voisey’s attorney is […]



A well-known Facebook troll posted a response to Councilman Nils Nehrenheim’s alert to his constituents that the City’s moratorium on new mixed-use high-density development projects had not been extended by the City Council, despite a 3-2 vote in favor (it required a minimum 4-1 minimum vote).  The troll’s cheer for the moratorium-extension defeat is “The […]

Building Bigger is Progress?

Building Bigger is Progress?

One consistent thread readers will observe through CenterCal supporters’ comments is that they believe building bigger (shopping malls, high-density residential etc.) is somehow “Progress”. To them, taking Redondo Beach to the density and traffic congestion of Santa Monica is just fine, and those who oppose that are “Backwards”, “NIMBYs”, “Hippies” etc. One on the ROW […]

What’s going on with the Redondo Beach power plant deal?

What’s going on with the Redondo Beach power plant deal?

Last November, the Redondo Beach Mayor, City Council, LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn, State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, and State Senator Ben Allen’s representatives announced plans to acquire the 51-acre AES Power-Plant site. They plan to coordinate state and county funding sources so this would create no new taxes for Redondo residents. Everyone is very excited […]