Rescue Our WaterFront

Revitalize not SUPERSIZE.

Compromised Coun-shill-members Crusade Coastal Condos, Commuter-Car Cut-through,Clandestine Communications, Community Conflict, Cashflow Communistikov’s Comrades!

Compromised Coun-shill-members Crusade Coastal Condos, Commuter-Car Cut-through,Clandestine Communications, Community Conflict, Cashflow Communistikov’s Comrades!

Our two overdevelopment-hungry Redondo Beach City Council Members are attempting to divide the city while pushing thousands of condos again at the AES Redondo Power Plant site. This time it’s under the guise of compliance with ridiculous housing bills coming out of Sacramento meant to force high-density housing across the state. In reality the AES […]



ROW Legal Team and Co-Defendants Brand, Moffat, Nehrenheim, and Craig   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/20/2021 Rescue Our Waterfront President Wayne Craig   APPEALS COURT AFFIRMS LOWER COURT JUDGMENT In a David versus Goliath Herculean event, David wins handily again.   Redondo Beach, CA: On Friday March 19, 2021, in a 32-page opinion, the […]

We Slapped the SLAPP, Still Slimy Shills Shirk Stiff Bills

We Slapped the SLAPP, Still Slimy Shills Shirk Stiff Bills

Two years ago today justice prevailed when ROW, its leadership, and two Redondo Beach elected officials and a campaign volunteer were awarded just over $898,000 defending themselves from a malicious SLAPP lawsuit.  The victorious defendants were Mayor Bill Brand, his volunteer Treasurer, Council Member Nils Nehrenheim, and ROW President Wayne Craig. Since that verdict, the […]

ROW Defends Redondo At The Supreme Court

ROW Defends Redondo At The Supreme Court

  Rescue Our Waterfront and Building A Better Redondo filed an appeal today with the California State Supreme Court.  It asks to overturn a lower-court ruling undermining the California Coastal Act and weakening citizen-led ballot initiatives. If this ruling were left unchallenged it would allow cities to approve construction projects in the coastal zone without […]

CenterCal Attorney Bradley Hertz Is SLAPP Happy

CenterCal Attorney Bradley Hertz Is SLAPP Happy

In the attached story, just published in the San Diego Reader ,  leaders of a Oceanside citizens group have been personally sued by CenterCal’s law firm. This lawsuit, filed by Bradley Hertz of the Sutton Law Firm, is another example of what legal experts are calling “ethically challenged”, a loosely veiled SLAPP lawsuit, and grounds […]

Welcome 2020 – ROW Needs Your Support

Welcome 2020 – ROW Needs Your Support

As the New Year begins, ROW continues to protect Redondo Beach Residents, because a majority of our elected officials will not. Specifically, the same three North Redondo City Council members scramble to retain power of the “Old Guard” regime at all costs, blocking everything Mayor Brand was elected to accomplish to benefit all Redondo Residents. The Combination […]

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Sued Again! Redondo Beach residents know CenterCal doesn’t pay their bills, their contractual obligations, their lawsuit judgments and has cost us millions. But do other cities? Buyer beware! In another stunning display of flagrant “If It Doesn’t Go Our Way, We’ll Refuse To Pay”. CenterCal has apparently turned on yet another of their “Paid […]

Judgement Day!                      Time To Pay $900,000

Judgement Day! Time To Pay $900,000

Thursday, June 27, 2019 marked a great day for the truth, justice, democracy and the people of Redondo Beach. The judge in the CenterCal and Westport Capital-funded frivolous and malicious lawsuit filed in name only by shills Chris Voisey and Arnette Travis, granted motions for defense counsel’s legal fees totaling just over $898,000. In other […]